42. Are You Building or Destroying Relationships?

Philosopher Martin Buber unpacked the idea that we are constantly in relation to others. We cannot escape that fact, but we do get to choose what type of relationship that becomes: an "I-It" relationship or an "I-Thou" relationship. Our guest, Zyanya Aguilar-Nelson, has made a career out of building relationships. While that is an expectation for all of us in life, it is her actual job in the communities where she lives and works. She has learned an immense amount regarding what works and what doesn't work in building relationships. We get deep into the topic and discuss what relationships look like with people we don't like, people who bother us, and even with those we don't know personally. This is worth a listen; all of us have relationships we need to improve.


43. What Are You Willing to Give Up?


41. It Starts Today